Here's what I did this weekend: I waited for what seemed like forever for Momma and Daddy to wake up Saturday morning. Finally they sensed me staring them down.

Then I spent all day in front of the tube like a zombie. I like me some March Madness.

Memphis wins!

P.S. Don't forget to bookmark my blog!
This is absolutely adorable. I love the "staring down" picture. Thanks for the smile.
I am so glad you are finally a blogger! Now I get to see pictures of my adorable nephew more often! He is getting so big and is still as adorable as ever. Keep posting!
You are so cute, Peter! Thanks for telling me about what's going on in your life! I look forward to hearing more about your day-to-day activities!
Dear Peter,
I love your blog! Your mommy is so clever and thoughtful to help you share your life with us--thanks so much!! You are such a cutie and getting so big. I can't wait to see you again, but until then--this is the next best thing.
Love, Grandma
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