Momma and Daddy bought a table and chairs for our balcony:

Today I ate lunch out there. I had squash, lentil soup, and fresh peaches.
Here I am with my uncle Ethan, a bruised noggin and a funny expression.

Whenever I wake up in the morning, I throw all my toys on the floor. Then I have my morning nap and Momma puts them all back. Then I wake up and throw them all over the floor again. Then I take my afternoon nap and Momma puts them all back. Then I wake up and throw them all over the floor again. Then I go to bed and Momma puts them all back. That's the basic outline of my day.

The End.
Just a word of Grandfatherly advise. Don't get in the habit of letting momma pick up after you all the time or else you may wind up like your Aunt Hillary when you get to be a teenager and have all your clothes and belongings in large piles, just because momma doesn't pick them up anymore...
Just file that away for a later date. Enjoy messing things up while you can get away with it.
Holy smokes Peter!!! You are the same length as Jack. Jack's a bit on the tubby side though weighing in at a lofty 24 lbs. Now the race is on to see who will be taller but judging by your genes, I think you may win! You're so cute and your laugh is contagious! Can't wait to see you and get you and Jack together to play! Lots of love!
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