Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Good Night, Baby Burrito

I Love Animals and Hate the Wind

I like to type on Momma's computer.  When she opened her computer tonight she found a Word document with the following (I used my animal book for reference on spelling):

PANDA                     QQQQQQQQQQ12345678890------------------------GGGGGGGGGVWCSCFXFOX

Inside the Discovery Museum hiding from the wind (my new fear)

Family photo with bad lighting

In the "library"

Monday, February 6, 2012

Baby Ben

Now 11 lb 10 oz

Hide and Seek

These are some of my best hiding places from my game with Daddy last night.  I know it is hard to find me so usually I whisper "I'm in here" over and over to help him locate me. 

under my red bean bag chair

under Ben's bassinet