Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Clean Baby

I like to lounge in my bath chair after a long day.

Daddy gives me a bath before I go to bed, except on the nights he has to work.

Today I had to get some shots. My doctor's name is Irene. She said my head is nice and round and that I can eat meat now. (She also said I shouldn't watch TV but I love Wheel of Fortune.)

I was 7 months old yesterday. I weigh 19 pounds now. That's pretty solid if you ask me.

I had a rough day so I'm going to go to bed now. Then Momma and Daddy can watch "Quantum of Solace" and eat some caramel corn. Good night.


Doug said...

19 lbs! Pedrito you are a tank! Avery weighed 16 lbs when she was a year old.

Anonymous said...

the second coming of Hoss Cartwright! That's my boy.