Today it's hot. 86 degrees to be exact and we are burning up with no A/C. We went on another walk today and I fell asleep in my stroller.
Here are some videos from yesterday you can watch if you want. They are kind of boring. Momma and Daddy are doing a crazy thing this week: participating in National Turnoff Week. That means no TV and no recreational computer use until next Sunday. It doesn't seem like babies should have to go along with this (dumb) idea but Momma and Daddy are the boss of me. So what I'm saying is--you won't be hearing from me again 'til next Sunday. So maybe you will end up watching these boring videos...if you really miss me that is.
Boring Video #1: Messing around with Dad's Mt. Dew Bottle:
Boring Video #2: Stuff I Think is Funny: "Excu-u-use Me!"
So I hope you have a good week. I guess me and Momma will just be sitting here staring at each other all week. I'll sign off with my best impression of Daddy.
The "Neil Look-Alike":

I don't know what I'll do without you all week, Monk. I will just have to watch these vids and read your blog over and over again. I'll be thinking of you.
LOL...I seriously cannot believe how much you look like your daddy Peter! You're absolute twinners! Have fun with your parents this week!
Welcome back to the real world Monk. I hope you haven't been traumatized from the lack of Wheel of Fortune. The true measure of this week's success is how quickly you post your next blog.
I hope you enjoyed your family bonding week. From the looks of things, we may have to change your name to Monk Neilio.
Lots of love for you (and the fam).
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